Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fly Your WAY COOL Flag......XOXO

Awesome weekend playing with cement, making wall finish samples. 
Sure, I know this doesn't sound über exciting but it is and it's WAY COOL

Cementitiously should totally be a word

So, How does a word get into a dictionary?
help make cementitiously a word

click on link for more info
XOXO stamped in cement

AWESOME cement

WAY COOL things to do with cement finishes like stamp it WAY COOL

WAY COOL eco friendly home improvement products including flooring, toxin-free interior and exterior paints & cementitious products available at Eco-Simplista in Fort Lauderdale,

Now that you've done WAY COOL things with cement, you'll need to fly your WAY COOL flag.
Do you have a WAY COOL flag ? 

(groovy top from Kismet,

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Bag of FAB, Don't Hate Me & Slick Larry Lipnick

LOVE when a bag of FAB is delivered to my door

Where else can you buy awesome things like chairs with George Clooney's or Lady Gaga's face on them. I want a whole set with different faces to sit on. Imagine meeting  them one day, they come over and you totally forget that you have been sitting on their red wine stained face for years. If they sat down, would they sit on their own face ? these are on sale now so you better hop on it
SCORE from FAB: "Don't Hate Me Because Your A Douchbag' t-shirt just arrived & I paired it with a previous FAB purchase,  "Shut the fuck up & do your job" bag
 modeled by Barry 
I bought 3 t-shirts.....never know when your gonna see a shirt like this again and I don't want to run out

Slick Larry Lipnick
 Patty at the Beach Boat in Delray Beach gave my name to Larry for a small project. I went to see Larry to give a quote on repairing the sculpture and ended up purchasing it. I'm still not sure how it  happened but it felt like a pivotal moment in my life....if for no other reason than it was awesome to meet Larry. More on Slick Larry Lipnick soon .

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Rare Star Wars Collectibles, The Interesting Business of Art & Lightsabers

"The only bag to get hold of this year is the designer sickbag" 
                              -2004 Virgin Airlines 

Culture Shocks
Relocating to Florida after twelve years in England, one of the first culture shocks I experienced was meeting new people who asked 'what do you do' before engaging in the polite etiquette of introductions. 

I would answer, 'Hi, I'm Dana, I'm an artist'. 

Their instant lack of interest in my answer was palpable but they would muscle through with the hallmark small talk of art business ignoramuses everywhere feigning interest by saying things like 'but what do you do for a living', 'oh thats soooo nice, what kind of art do you do', 'I used to be really good at art but then I had children and had to get a real job', 'my brother is really good at art', 'I cant even draw a stick person' all the while looking over my shoulder for a more financially viable inebriated fool. 

Worse yet, I found myself standing there paralyzed by the shock & silently horrified as they slickly segued into a sales pitch for whatever crap they were peddling. 

The lame sales pitch over cocktails was another shocker.

This was a social setting with friends in a bar...what the hell happened to introductions, sexual agendas sloppily greased with excessive flattery and booze, laughing at inappropriate jokes and heinous fashion faux pas. 
Man or woman, why was some one trying to sell me mortgage services while knocking back jägermeister shots. Why would I want to use the services of anyone who didn't want to know my name, couldn't pretend to care what I did, didn't hit on me, didn't compliment me on my awesome shoes and never bothered to inquire if I even needed mortgage services. 

This set the stage for my new pretend career. In an effort to make myself intriguing enough to entice said/and or subsequent douchebags into wanting to know my name, lean in intently with genuine interest about my career and buy me drinks, I invented a never before heard of & wildly interesting career. It was not a well thought out plan but it amused me at the time.

Conversation with Interested Party
DB Jeff: [makes eye contact] "What do you do ?"

Me: "Hi, I'm Dana. I'm a designer" 

DB Jeff: [bored already]" So what do you design?"

Me: "Sick bags"

DB: [choking on jägerbomb] 'What ! what do you mean?!"

Me: "you know the sick bags on airplanes"

DB Jeff: [visibly excited] "Really ! OMG, that is soooo cool. I didn't know someone designed did you get started doing that?, what airlines do you work for?"

Me: "well after after presenting the UFSB study results to Virgin, we began developing designs with brighter more cheerful images on sick bags. We also made them with smaller apertures for children. the standard size sick bags are too large for a child's face"

DB Jeff: [interrupts me with another question] "that is sooo interesting..I never even thought about the bags being too big for children...that makes total sense! what is a USFB study."

Me: [sipping fresh cocktail courtesy of DB] "Its one of many studies used by the International Airlines Standards Group. UFSB or 'user friendly sick bag' study was designed to help the airlines deliver a more user friendly experience for sick passengers. We work very closely with Virgin's marketing team to ensure branding integrity"
* I know his name is Jeff because he still has a name tag on from some networking event where he probably never bothered to tell people his name because he wears a name tag

Theres more but you get the idea. 

After living in Florida for a few years, establishing a successful art business here and fully exploring several very interesting pretend careers with people who knew my name I had to give up my pretend career. 
It was clashing with my real art career.

I would be in a profocial setting chatting with the mayor, new friends or a client and the aforementioned ignaoramus would walk up to me with the boisterous pride known only to people who know people who design sick bags and loudly announce to his or her friends, 'this is Dana, the fabulous designer I told you about who works with the International Airlines Standards Group designing wonderful sick bags!"
They were all so interested to know me. I would say "I'm I know you?" 
It became officially proficially awkward.

proficial [pro-fish-uhl]
Part of Speech:
Characterized by having both professional and social qualities  

Why I'm talking about sick bags

I was sorting through my office and organizing stuff ....stuff I didn't remember I had.

I found my very awesome mint condition  'Star Wars Limited Edition Sick Bags' circa 2004 still in their original plastic !

The very sick bags that inspired my short lived but memorable pretend career. 
The very interesting business of art is everywhere.


Dont Be Jealous 

Star Wars Freaks

A collaboration with Virgin Airlines and Activision, LucasArts released limited-edition airsickness bags to promote the Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith Video Game 
Mint Condition Limited Edition Star Wars Sick Bags!
Know you Lightsaber
It is an elegant weapon. Not clumsy or random. It has been carried by  Jedi Knights  for over a thousand years ! It is respected and feared , as are those who wield it. Familiarize yourself with this weapon before taking it into combat.

du-uhhhh, who didn't know this !

Good to know & not just for lightsabers

where was my Lightsaber when I needed to mow down droids !!!!
Never a Lightsaber to be found when I need one. 

All that said, it is someones real & awesome career to design sick bags for airlines. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Happiness, Puzzles, Secret Messages & Kismet

 Jerry's Artarama run today !
I bought the one thing I needed, Copper Leaf + a 'color block puzzle' + a full set of Faber-Castell Pitt Pens + Secret Writing Message Pens + Flower Scissors = HAPPINESS.
Turns out I needed ALL these things but hadn't put them on the list.
After reading (glancing) the complex color block puzzle instructions I knew I would never assemble it.  I am partial to beautiful preassembled puzzles.
Undaunted by pesky details I pressed on, marched straight up to the cashier, asked to buy the floor model at a discounted rate & he said YES ! 

Beautiful puzzle snuggled up to Pitt Pens :-D 
Secret Message Writing Set !
Now that I have found this, I can not imagine my life without completes me ( BAH-HAHAHAHAHAHA) 

My first TOP secret message !
The pens write invisible until you shine the black light in the pen cap on it. Way CSI.
I dont know where or when, but there is a boat load of merry to be made with this
 Ahhhhhhhhh flower scissors, a tremendous contribution to mankind.
You can make your own flowers and they do not appear to be as dangerous as regular scissors

 (should you choose to run with them in your mouth )
Go Fiskars !

Voilà ....from a silly coupon for 'Cooking Light' magazine to fresh flowers

Just one more thing I needed , Kismet @ Kismet (
I could not resist the groovy charm of a top that made me feel like a like a festive table cloth piled high with gifts, cake and the sound of laughter poolside at an eight year olds summer birthday party in New Jersey circa 1974

Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Big Blau Bursts" ART & To Boldly Brandish Beefy ART Buns

Art for Bäd Ragaz Hall & Biergarten, 
Awesome brand new Boynton Beach business.
We designed their logo.
Now we are extracting logo elements in über 

big blau bursts with variegated copper leaf
building Artwork layers with deep red base
 To boldly brandish beefy art buns [Barry]
Splitting infinitives on a Sunday afternoon !
Studie von meiner hand in blau 
6'-0" x 12'-0" mural on canvas in our studio
a tie-kneeeeee lee-tal mural detail 

Slightly bigger than tiny mural detail.
Total bilingual blog word count beginning with B, 27.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Head Start Murals & I Dress Myself Funny

Today was the final walk through for the Head Start mural project and it was AWEsome
Talking & laughing in the hallway ... like being in school again :-D
I may have been a little shorter & and dressed funny by my mother but having fun at school today was the same as  I remember it.
The difference now, I'm taller & I dress myself funny

hearing other imaginations fire & flare up about art
This is seriously fun 
With Elayna Toby Singer ( Palm Beach County Art in Public Places ) & Miss Pearl Saddler ( Head Start & Children's Services,

Head Start Mural Project; signed, sealed, delivered, loved & signed off on !!

Monday, September 10, 2012

A painting 19 years in the making & The start of a new mural

I was cleaning the studio today when I found this little underpainting (8" x 11")
I began this oil painting of my father and myself 19 years ago & although I never finished it, I had it framed hoping that one day it would miraculously be finished.
For anyone who is a painter you'll know what its like to have a block and leave a painting for quite sometime only to return to it one day and find that it was finished the whole time but you weren't able to see it then.
The frame needs a little update..maybe some Annie Sloan
This polaroid was taken 41 years ago

me & my dad. He passed away 10 years ago but I remember this moment like it was yesterday.

Canvas going up and a new mural starting soon 

Friday, September 7, 2012

New walls & new company t-shirt....AWESOME

new walls going up , all ready for a new mess....awesome !

new company tshirt 

Played with the photo above this on photoshop 

little monster robots on new tshirts

Barry modeling the new t-shirt & new walls :-D
The genius mad style of Barry 'Bieberlake' Bernstein