Saturday, September 7, 2013

Breakfast with Santiago; Totally NeNe Kray Kray Chi Familia

In my last post I wondered about Six Degrees of Separation Theory, two days later I became a believer.
A believer in the theory & or the mightiness of chi

We (my mother & I) checked into a hotel in Popayán & when we walked into the lobby there was Santiago Cárdenas in the flesh, my mother's first cousin & the man whose work I had just seen at Museo La Tertulia AND he was ahead of schedule (unlike the train). I had calculated at least one more move & potentially another year until we met

He lives in Bogotá, I live in Florida and we were both staying in the same hotel in Popayán.  That is some kinda Nene Kray Kray chi
(if this seems out in left field, check my last post for left field)
He was quite a natural with The Dahls
about Santiago
He did mention that I don't look 'very Cárdenas'.
He's right, I'm too tall for 
Cárdenas, I look more like my dad's side....the tall Italian & Irish F Bomb side.
This is Santiago having breakfast with The Dahls & looking 'über Cárdenas'
I sorta kinda met another relative in Popayán, Alvaro Cárdenas. By sorta kinda I mean I saw a building he designed.
Alvaro was my grandfather's brother, my great uncle. He was the architect of Banco de la República Popayán. Amongst the beautiful colonial architecture this building sticks out like a sore thumb so I know this is definitely my family
Right next to Banco de la República, in Parque Caldas I couldn't resist the tourist photo with The Dahl and llama, Dahlia Lama.
Dahl y llama, I'm bilingual funny

More family in Popayán, Billy Concha. No chi going on here, we planned to visit him at his organic coffee farm, El Robledad. Billy is my mom's first cousin
Billy is a bit of a charachter, we got straight into assing & horsing around

The Dahls at El Robledad under a coffee

Out for a bike ride in Cali with my cousin Randy & The Dahls. Not so sure Randy was 'a natural' with The Dahls but he was an excellent Dahl medic. He attached a broken foot & hand
Just to wrap this up with more NeNe Kray Kray, my mom is walking down the street in Cali and spots some people she knows but can't Johnny on the Spot with names so she blurts out FAMILIA a few times until everyone can figure out who is who. I don't know exactly how but Juan Carlos Mosquera Arboleda  & Any Jaramillo are Familia. We had drinks & played with The Dahls. Another awesome day !

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