Thursday, August 9, 2012

FAB Fave Studio Things & Studio Hubbub

One of my Fave Studio Things (from under glass worktop, 'Shut the fuck up & do your job' canvas bag. I love that someone thought of this idea, chose a font, made a prototype, got it manufactured, got into an online shop where I could buy it :-D

Another one of my Fave Studio Things, a Kieselstein- Cord emblem that I talked my way into having when I bought  a Kieselstein handbag at Bergdorf Goodman's years ago

More Fave Studio Things & Hubbub
At a Red Cross Designer Showhouse in 2007 I met an awesome person, Jane Dagmi 
Jane's showhouse space had the sign you see here 'Funny, Funny Jane' & I talked my way into having it under the condition that I keep it 
( I vaguely remeber thinking 'duh...of course I'm gonna keep it..why else would I ask to have it')
This year at the Palm Beach Cultural Council in Lake Worth I met another awesome person, Cheryl Maeder  Cheryl gave me her photography business postcard & just as quickly took it away. She then handed me another card she said i would like better.
A third party pointed out the person in the artwork on Cheryl's card was Jane Dagmi.
Of course it was jane, I'd recognize those long lanky limbs anywhere.
Short story long.........Jane & Cheryl are uber mejor buds......6 years in the making to be under this glass together.....I like that

This is about an 8 ounce paint spill which is still on my studio floor
I have absolutely no desire to clean this. I like it just fine the way it is

close up of beautiful paint spill

paint spill with shop-vac

 Fave Studio Things & Studio Hubbub
Thursday Night Studio Feet
I stared at them for a few seconds......not quite connecting that they were mine.
I looked positively homeless & shoeless.....not the person who was shopping in Bergdorf Goodmans..........what happened to my manicured life & shoes ?
At least I managed to not step in my 8 ounce paint spill

All of the aforementioned Fave Studio Things & Studio Hubbub  were while i was finishing this mural. This is one of three murals to be installed at Head Start & Children's Service's in West Palm Beach Florida. 

An early morning site visit for a new project.
Construction isnt finished yet & I'm already excited about all the vaulted ceilings

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